showing 5 games

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Borderlands 3 2K Games (IPerion)2019 aaa abilitydependencies achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adventurerprotagonist aimassist aimmode alienanimals ambientocclusion assaultrifles autoshotguns backstabbing berserkers borderlands-series bossbattles buggy burning canyon capacity-slots capacity-toolslots cave cheapdeath circadiancycle classbased classlinkedgender cloaking clones compass containers cyborgs damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes deadlywater deadondisplay depthoffield diaries difficulty-players driving enemyhealthdisplay energyshields explosiveobjects firearms fxaa grenades guntossing gyrojets handguns healthdraining healthdrops healthpickups insectoids inventory itemgenerator jumping jumppads launcher limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup low-g machineguns machinepistols map minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-private mpfocus mutants nohealthregen npcspawning npcstrife objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator obsoletedassets optionaltasks precisionrifles primates radar ragers rehash reload-auto reload-manual respec revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy sellundo shieldregen shopping shotguns splatter stash stylized submachineguns tasktracker telescope titlementioned town trampling tutorial walking wwise xp-kills zoom At the hard edge of the galaxy lies a group of planets ruthlessly exploited by militarised corporations. Brimming with loot and violence, this is your home – the Borderlands. Answering the call of the Siren champion Lilith, four Vault Hunters charge head-first into a spray of bullets, blood, and bandits to recover a map to ancient Vaults and prevent a universe-destroying power from falling into the wrong hands. The rest is history. Fearless renegade mercenaries on the wildest interplanetary treasure hunt of all time. FL4K is a wandering robotic tracker whose cold steel heart warms only for their pet beasts. Amara beats bad guys into pancakes with her psychic fists. Moze’s best friend is a 10-ton walking killing machine. And Zane, the semi-retired corporate hitman... well, he’s Zane. Hunting Alone? No problem! Shoot and loot your way through the Borderlands, discovering the region’s untold stories and piling high your increasingly deadly cache of goodies and weapons. labelimagesubject
Diablo III  Blizzard Entertainment2014 3ormoreplayers actionrpg activeabilityset adv-static automap bodyarmor bossbattles caprinoids cemetery chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative childlock classbased claws combatstilettos crossworldcharacters demonicinvasion demons destructibleenvironment diablo display-1080p doors dungeon elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay energyregen envcombat fasttravel-points fatties genderchoice ghosts giantmonsters gibs gore hackandslash havokphysics healingitems healthbuffer healthpickups healthregen humanoidanimals itemcomparison itemcooldown itemdurability itemidentification jewelry junkinventory karmiccreatures levelbasedeq limitedcapacity lootemup magic meleeweapons metaabilities minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin naga nofriendlyfire nontolkienian obsoletedassets pinatacreatures polyplopicenemies premadecharacters priceinfo prophecy rating-bbfc-15 rating-pegi-16 reanimators recallportal recurrence-character recurrence-location shields shopping skeletons socketables sorcery souljar splatter stylized summoning swords taxonomy teleport titularcharacter town treants unarmedfighting unconvincingarmor undead undeadanimals voiceovers walking wands xp-kills zombies labelimageminimize
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir  Atlus (Vanillaware)2016 actionrpg adv-static agriculture alternatingprotagonist animals bizarreflora blocking bossbattles capacity-slots cave chapters chargers chemistry containers cooking criware crystals currency-split difficulty difficulty-ingame dissolvingitems dragons elimination forest framestory frequentloading gameprogress giants gliding hackandslash healingitems highbornprotagonist hypermuscles inventory itempickup-normal jewelry jumping knights leporoids levelselection limitedcapacity magic magicweapons meleeweapons midairjumping minibosses minimap multipleperspectives mystics mythicfiction neutralnpcs nonlinearstory obsoletedassets oopcharacters perspectiveflip plains polearms potions prophecy puppetanimation radar rating-esrb-t redeemingbeatdown rpgelements score seeds shopping sorcery spears spiritualsuccessor spritemorphing stamina stylized summery sweepingstrikes swords town tutorial valkyries volcanic walking war wingedhumanoids wintery worldtree wrappingworld xp-multi xp-objects In Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, experience the world of Erion as it hurtles towards the end of days as warring kingdoms clash for control. labelimagesubject
The Magic Circle Question2016 4thwallbroken chromaticaberration demo diaries failedproject-theme falseending glitchvisuals interactivepurgatory metahacking narrator no4thwall satire selectivecolor stylized undefinedelements unreliablenarrator zoom labelminimizeminimize
White Night OSome Studio2015 1930s 20thcentury earth lamp limitedpalette maleprotagonist mansion northamerica oengine selectivecolor stylized usa labelimageminimize